Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stylin' Siblings... {EVANSVILLE, IN Child Photographer}

ADORABLE...seriously, I know I think all kids are! But, this pair was from the minute they climbed out of their car. Literally, from head to toe & they were so much fun in front of the camera. I think Mom & Grandma were having lots of fun just watching them surprise us! They had all kinds of their own poses, funny faces and hugs for each other! (They might have their days of not getting along but you'd have a hard time convincing me)

Can you say HOT!! It was so hot outside, but that didn't slow us down one bit. They were such good sports about it and thought it was playtime! Hope you enjoy them as much as I did...


LIFE...we never know what it is going to throw our way! It definitely gives us ups, downs, twists & turns,stop signs, yields, rollercoasters..just to name a few. I love life & usually take whatever comes my way. I am a strong person, a woman, photographer and most importantly mother and wife!

Sometimes something happens that just knocks us off our feet! That is exactly what happened to me recently. I don't want to talk about it much or share any specific details and not too many people other than those close to me really know what happened. Let's just say that what happened I never saw coming and it hit like a freight train or the plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. It has changed my life forever, my children's and Lucas' besides a few others close to us. I believe good is in everything & that things do happen for a reason. We can't always understand it at the time but will see it more clearly later on looking back. I believe that with this situation...and time does heal! It has been one month ago, which I can't believe in some ways. In others, time has moved at turtle pace.

I love LIFE and will continue to go with whatever it throws my way...just had to pick myself back up and get moving again. This time just took little longer. With that said, I have tons of work I have been catching up on & still working on! Thanks to everyone for their kindness, understanding & patience through this. If I haven't contacted you about something you are waiting on, I will be soon. I'm working in order! Again, Thanks!